Satisfaction in economic terms is the benefit that an individual gains from consuming a given amount of goods or services.
Maximizing satisfaction means receiving the most benefits with relatively few costs.
There is also additional bit of satisfaction, or amount of utility, gained from each extra unit of consumption. This is called a marginal utility.
Lumber furniture and plywood
The reason why ethics differs when we're talking about people, companies, nations is that all of these have interests which may differ. What happens then with differing interests is that it also lead to different moral and value systems which again in turn lead to different ethics. Most usually, the actual source why ethics differ is either due to the interests or wishes of a particular social group mentioned here.
The real solution isn't banning them. People aren't the ones who dump them in to the oceans. Yet sometimes they do on beaches. The ones who dump them are corporate companies. We need to enforce laws saying that dumping is bad, and maybe a humongous fine like 10 billion, to scare away corporate dumpster companies away from the seaside
The excessive<span> force causes the muscles to swell and</span>increases<span> the pressure against the bone, leading to pain and inflammation. Shin splints can also result from stress reactions to bone fractures. The </span>constant<span> pounding can cause minute cracks in the bones of the leg. ouch</span>