We can represent all college students as x. This means that all part-time college students are . Because all part-time college students are also equal to 8.6 million, we have . To find the number of total college students, or x, we have to multiply by 100/31 to get rid of the fraction on the other side:
The left side of the equation evaluates as . Because we are asked to round to the nearest million, we have to round to 28 million, which is the closest.
The temperature when Emily went to bed was -4°F. Step-by-step explanation: 8°F + 3°F = 11°F (noon) The temperature had risen by 3°F by noon. This means to add 3. noon + 6°F = the day's high temperature 11°F + 6°F = 17°F (the day's high temperature) The temperature rose another 6°F in the afternoon. This means add 6 to the temperature from noon. high temperature - 21°F = temperature at bed 17°F - 21°F = -4°F The temperature dropped by 21°F when Emily went to bed. This means to subtract 21 from the day's high temperature. Risen, rose, and increase mean addition. Decrease, dropped, and decline mean subtraction. Hope this helps :)