The South Carolina General Assembly did a "Resolution to Call the Election of Abraham Lincoln as U.S. President a Hostile Act" in 1860
Ron is showing symptoms of Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. It is a psychological wellness condition that is activated by a frightening occasion — either encountering it or seeing it. Manifestations may incorporate flashbacks, bad dreams and extreme tension, and wild considerations about the occasion.
Like all psychological theories, psychological treatments need to be validated by using:<u> empirical research.</u>
<h3>What is meant by empirical research?</h3>
Research that is based on empirical observation and measurement of phenomena is research that the researcher has personally experienced. The information obtained in this way may be compared to a theory or hypothesis, but the conclusions are still grounded in actual experience. Like all psychological theories, psychological treatments need to be validated by using: empirical research.
Empirical research generates knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief since it is based on observed and measured phenomena.
It is employed to support several hypotheses, advance human understanding, and carry on doing so in order to advance in various sectors. Pharmaceutical corporations, for instance, conduct empirical research to test a certain drug on predetermined or arbitrary groups in order to determine its effects and causes.
Read more on empirical research
<span>Theory relates to a model in science because it presents the possible paradigms and patterns of the said concept and fact. It explains and elaborates the phenomenon of why it happened, how it happened and the factors that are invovlved in the process. A theory is a possible explanation of certain occurence.
in addition, any time a scientific theory is challenged, it means it's not a good theory. And this statement is not valid. In theoretical models, they are revisited when there are further studies and discoveries found in a certain area where they can be remodeled and reintegrated instead of disregarding its credibility. Models, theories and paradigms are not challenged but rather encouraged, they are supported in many studies since these theories and models were created in order for us to understand a certain phenomenon but it would likely help the scientific society to be updated in the new forms or spheres of improvement rather than discouragement. <span>
Definition: Hierarchy of Effects Theory
The hierarchy of effect theory model is used by companies to advertise their product using the following six steps awareness, liking, preferences, conviction and purchase.
1. Awareness: This is the vital stage because if consumers doesn't know about the product there is no way they can look for it inorder to buy it hence brands need to ensure that customers are aware of their products.
2. Knowledge: after the customers have come to know about the particular brand product they will compare it now the company need to ensure that it gives them sufficient knowledge of the brand.
3. Liking: Now that they have the knowledge of the brand they will consider their emotions towards it and the company must impact them on this also. Make them like the product.
4. Preference: When the customers feel like they will try out this product but still there are other brands so they will evaluate their choices , this is where the company need to highlight the main points that set them apart from all other brands that sells the similar product so that the customers will prefer their product more.
5. Conviction: Now the company needs to convert any doubt in customer's mind by atleast giving them out samples to try out . This will aid the customer in their decision to buy or not to buy.
6. Purchase: This is the crucial stage when the customer is read to buy the experience must be made great which may be influenced by product availability,access, payment method, and usage instructions.