World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
The <u>World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)</u> is a specialized agency of the United Nations and an international organization that administers numerous treaties concerning protection of intellectual property rights.
This agency was created by the WIPO Convention in 1967. It consists of 193 member states, including the US and the UN members.
Mainly, the greatest benefit of solving problems outside the judicial system is the cost, since every judicial process necessarily entails a high cost, both in taxes, costs, fees, etc. In addition, the resolution time is much longer, since it involves a whole series of procedural steps that necessarily imply a passage in time, which can be avoided through an alternative resolution of conflicts.
Those means of alternative dispute resolution include, among others, mediation and arbitration. Mediation, on the one hand, involves a series of meetings between the parties in conflict, with the assistance of a specialist, the mediator, who seeks to bring the parties closer together and achieve the resolution of the dispute. On the other hand, arbitration implies that the parties in conflict abide by the solution proposed by an impartial third party, the arbitrator, who will decide according to the rules of law or equity, as appropriate.
B. Use two times the following distance that
you use when driving your car.
An arraignment is a criminal proceeding where the defendant is called before a judge in a court, informed of the charges (either in writing or orally, but usually just in writing) and asked to enter a plea of not guilty, guilty or no contest.
The violation of a society’s formally enacted law is called a deviance.
I hope this helped at all.