The answer is c for this question
We measure public opinions when someone needs to know what the majority of people from a group thinks, supports, or believes in. An example would be voting for the president. It is your opinion when you vote for a specific candidate for specific, individual, reasons.
During the Middle ages, many "barbaric" nations have constantly attacked the Roman Empire, they spit into the West Roman Empire and the more wealthy Byzantines aka the East Romans. The West Roman Empire began to dissolve smaller because their army couldn't handle the constant attacks on them so they finally disappeared in 476 B.C.The Byzantines began to stretch even more until 1453 A.D. Just then After the fall of the Byzantines, a new Order of Romans came about called, The Holy Roman Empire sprouted up in Central Europe and they lasted until 1805 A.D. (I know this is more than the Middle Ages)
1. Often, as more people are added to a single job, the marginal return decreases (Brook's law). This is due to several reasons. With more people, communication and synchronization become increasingly difficult. Also, it takes some time for new employees to become as productive as older ones. Finally, if the work is highly divisible, it might just take them longer because they might get in each other's way. Therefore, the first advice would be to check the personnel and try to remove any employee who is superfluous.
2. Diminishing returns is the decrease on marginal output as one production factor increases and all the other ones stay the same. So another solution would be to try to increase all the other factors that have not been increased yet.
.a. True
<em>The theorists thought about the legitimate question on the potential recipents of organs contributing most to the good of the society is a good and true.</em>
<em>Imagine a situation where by someone that was jailed for robbery for 15years having 5 months to complete his or her sentence. The person was diagonised with kidney failure and needed kidney transplant which was successfully done</em>. It is a logical thing that, he or she should be of ggod behaviour when he comes out from the presion rather than going back to his old ways, committing more violent crimes and on an alchol drinking spree.
This actions of that person would definitely negates the aim of the donor of the organ when made aware that the recipent is far more a nusiance to the society than he was before the transplant was carried out.