A. Stay out of contaminated area and wait for professional responders to conduct formal decontamination
CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Team. The CERT members are trained volunteers who respond to any disasters which may impact any area. They are trained in disaster response skills, fire safety, medical operations, search and rescue, etc.
CERT member are volunteers who are trained and are not professionals.
In the context, CERT members are responding to a contaminated exposed area where they first followed the basic decontamination procedures to limit the risk of injury and exposure of the contamination. After following the basic procedures they should move out of the contaminated area and wait for the professional responders to further conduct the deconatmination processes.
Hence the correct option is (A)
A. heredity has minimal effects on one's personality
In the twin studies, researchers separate two twins and put them in different environment to grow. The purpose of this study is two find out whether they will grow up with different personalities.
As it turned out, the twins that separated and grew up in different environment still grow up with similar personalities. From this, researchers made the conclusion that heredity is actually has a huge effects of one personality (since twins born with identical genetics).
<u>The following words are the correct answers to complete the sentence: </u>
vigilant, zealous.
Since her house was broken into, Deidre has become especially <u>vigilant</u> about locking the doors when she leaves and particularly <u>zealous</u> in recruiting others to participate in the neighborhood watch program.
The adjectives vigilant and zealous are the correct words to complete the sentence. The adjective vigilant means to be attentive, to pay attention and be aware of a situation or a person in order to notice any problems or signs of danger in a quick way. Since her house was broken into, it makes sense for Deidre to be vigilant about locking the doors when she leaves the house. The other adjective, zealous, means to show a fervent partisanship for a cause, an ideal, or a person. After having her house broken into, Deidre has become zealous in recruiting others to participate in the neighborhood watch program.
The answer is <em>me. </em>
According to the symbolic interactionism perspective, developed by George Herbert Mead, the me is the part of our identity that corresponds to how whe think other people see us. It is the part of the identity that is a product of socialization and it begins in early childhood.
Withing this me, expectations and attitudes of society are also internalized, as a way of knowing what is expected of us.
Cash recital journals nor even cash statement
to record <em>the </em><em>data </em>