Roko’s basilisk is a thought experiment proposed in 2010 by the user Roko on the Less Wrong community blog. Roko used ideas in decision theory to argue that a sufficiently powerful AI agent would have an incentive to torture anyone who imagined the agent but didn't work to bring the agent into existence.
The number of smartphone users is forcast to grow from 2.1 billion in 2016 to around 2.5 billion in 2019, with smartphone penetration rates increasing as well.over 36% of the worlds population is projected to use a smartphone by 2018, thats up from about 10% in 2011
(A) Yes, because nobody is supposed to access non-work related sites during office hours.
The identity theif could establish a new identity for ciminal purposes using YOUR identity and personal information, and the theif could aquire money or goods from it.