To store genetic information to pass on to other living organisms.
Blood Brain Barrier(BBB)
This is a biological interface of special endothelial cells of astrocytes, pericytes , capillaries, neurons and other structures, acting as a physical barrier or gate separating the Central Nervous system from the peripheral blood circulations. Thus it formed a tight junction serving as a physical barrier to selectively regulate the entrance of substances from the cerebral blood flow into the brain, therefore maintaining homeostasis of the brain.
From above any substances absorbed into the blood stream irrespective of the mode of entry are transported through the BBB, and are selectively regulated to enter the brain cells by the BBB's interactions with the blood vessels, hormones etc.
Basically it allows the passage of nutrients, a few drug, hormones and resists certain toxins and pathogens for the brain homeostasis.
The difference between living things and nonliving things is little things that we call is senses like sight, taste, touch, smell, and hearing. For example a human or animal can react to someone or something touching them. For a nonliving thing such as a rock can't react to someone touching them unless u force them to.
The right answer is pluripotent
Answer : The Aerobic exercise improves the oxygen purifying capacity of lungs. So, one can breathe in more oxygen through inhalation and then more oxygen is transferred to muscles in the body, also carbon dioxide is given actively out of the body through exhalation. All these gives body more energy to perform daily tasks and stay fit and healthy.