Answer:Extended care
Explanation: Extended care can be best explained as services that meet the health needs of a client who no longer need acute hospital care. It involves skilled nursing care in the client's home or in a nursing home, and hospice care for dying clients. Primary care is provided by the family doctor, the nurse, or any health care facility that is the first contact for the client.
I have had it very many times. You dont want it. I have spend over half my life in the hospital becasue of it and other diesese that I don't want to bring up (it takes to long to explain).
Starch and Complex Carb Link Although both starches and fiber are formed of hundreds of linkages of sugar molecules, there is a difference between these two types of carbohydrates. The difference between fibers and starches is that the linkages between fiber’s sugar molecules cannot be broken apart by the body as can be done to starches.
Answer: provides information that verifies or debunks health news releases
and helps consumers to sort out the facts from the hype.