cherry tree seedlings : 64
peach tree seedlings : 96
64/96 : Simplify this fraction
64 / 8 = 8 / 4 = 2
96 / 8 = 12 / 4 = 3
2 and 3 number of seedlings per row
64 / 2 = 32
96 / 3 = 32
number of rows
The maximum number of rows that the owner can plant is 32 rows with 2 cherry tree seedlings and 3 peach tree seedlings.

We need to find what number, if 6 is divided by it, gives us 12.
This isn't hard, I promise! I am going to take you through a few steps, and we'll find the answer.
Are you ready? Then let's begin...:)

✦ We can think about it as: 6 divided by what number gives us 12?
(let the number be z)

Multiply both sides by z

Divide both sides by z

Which is the same as

- hope it's helpful!
- wishing you a great day!

If there are 15 boards there are 14 gaps in-between.
But first, 15 boards each 9 and 1/4th inches so you get a total of 138 inches and 3/4th
If you subtract that from 144 you get 5 inches and 1/4th. The remaining amount is the total of all of the distance from the spacing.
Then you divide that by 14 (number of gaps/spacing in-between.)
So you get .375 inches. (3/8)
So width of the spacing between each board is 3/8ths of a inch
count the decimal places over, with the first being zero
I think it is 2: p-$25=$68