1. Adenoblast: <span>adeno = gland; blast = immature cell/tissue
2. A</span>denoma: <span>adeno = gland; oma = benign tumor
</span>3. Adenocarcinoma: <span>adeno= gland; carcinoma = malignant tumor
</span>4. Hypoxia: <span>hyp = deficiencies; oxia = oxygen
</span>5. Homograft: <span>homo = same; graft = transplant
</span>6. Hyperplasia: <span>hyper = too much/alot; plasia = growth/formation
</span>7. Aplasia: <span>a = without; plasia = growth/formation
</span>8. Abscission: <span> ab = away from; cission = cutting
</span>9. Excise: <span>ex = out; cise = cut
</span>10. Debridement: <span>de = away; ment = action</span>
Answer: cartilage
Explanation: because it is not hard or soft but it still is bone and that is what your ears and nose is made of
The tomato is the edible berry of the plant Solanum lycopersicum, commonly known as a tomato plant. The species originated in western South America and Central America. The Nahuatl (the language used by the Aztecs) word tomatl gave rise to the Spanish word tomate, from which the English word
It results in four genetically different cells