It was bill Clinton because jfk was a queen
A non denominational church is a place where its not any certain christian religion. not catholic just plain chrisitan teachings. it also means that there are people of all types of cultures. its a place where all races come together to learn about God or any religion they believe. it does support any religion.
To explain the "no west" comment, in 1812 the American "west" only reached as far as the Mississippi River.
The northern states were heavily involved in international trade, having the ports and ship building yards. The men who sailed on those ships were likewise mostly from the north and were the ones being impressed into the British navy. The agrarian south's interests lay entirely in the production of tobacco, cotton, sugar, sorghum and a few other large cash crops. The commerce was mostly within America and they had little interest in shipping issues.
James a garfeild was the second president assinated 16 years after Abraham lincon
True, because they are some of the most high ranks in the church