There are no masters degrees in Cosmetology
The hottest layer in the earth is the core. More specifically, the inner core is the hottest of the two core layers. The temperatures in the inner core range from 9,000 to 13,000 degrees F.
Subsistemas:En otras palabras, un subsistema es un conjunto de elemento interrelacionados que, en sí mismo, es un sistema, pero a la vez es parte de un sistema superior.
Principios:Primer momento de la existencia de una cosa.
Lo siento, solo hice un par, hablo inglés y no sé mucho español
a. Alito is far more conservative than O'Connor
The change is significant because O'Connor was a moderate Republican, while Alito is considered by many one of the most conservative justices on the Court. Therefore, it is fair to state that Alito is far more conservative than O'Connor.
The answer is alternative a.