Structures built on land underlain by weak mud that could liquefy are prone to collapse in an earthquake. Also structures built on top of, on, or at the base of steep escarpments could fail and produce landslides.
Definitely belongs to the fungi kingdom!
did you hear the joke about the fungus???
... I could tell you, but it'd take some time to grow on ya!
goodluck my friend, :-)
a) not accompanied by purging
- If a person has episodes of uncontrollable eating then the person is said to have a problem of binge eating.
- When a person shows a tendency of frequent and recurring binge eating then the person is said to have binge eating disorder.
- Binge eating disorder is differentiated from another similar problem which is known as bulimia nervosa.
- In the case of binge eating disorder a person has a tendency of binge eating but without purging, unlike bulimia nervosa where purging is a characteristic feature.
- Purging is an attempt to get rid of the excess food consumed and this attempt is not made in case of binge eating.
The phylum Arthropoda contains a wide diversity of animals with hard exoskeletons and jointed appendages. Many familiar species belong to the phylum Arthropoda—insects, spiders, scorpions, centipedes, and millipedes on land; crabs, crayfish, shrimp, lobsters, and barnacles in water (Fig. 3.72).
I believe the appropriate answer is a cooling-off period. The cooling off period us described as the state of returning to the offender's usual way of life between homicides. The key distinction between the serial killers and mass or spree killers is this emotional cooling off period in which the killer blends back into his/her normal life.