Jeremy is experiencing delusions, specifically persecutory delusions wherein he thinks that he is being poisoned by his mom. Delusions are fixed belief and are perceived to be real by the individual suffering from it with or without any evidence to support his claims.
More than one independent variable makes an experiment unfair.
- What is economic interdependence?
Economic Interdependence is relying on another country or entity to provide products or services you can't produce yourself.
- How does interdependence happen globally?
This interdependence can happen due to climate or agricultural deficits such as no proper temperature or land to grow a certain product. Such as Greenland probably can't grow many citrus fruit plants due to no warm weather climate
- Why does interdependence occur?
Interdependence occurs due to population demands or cost of trying to produce is too high; or lack of particular physical resources to produce the item.
- Do you think it is possible for a country to avoid economic interdependence? Why or why not?
Is it possible to avoid it? Yes I believe so for certain well developed countries with many resources.
For smaller, underdeveloped countries it would prove possible if population willing to go without the certain product or service. If they have never had it they won't miss it.
That question has many factors to consider.
The correct answer is - D. significantly higher.
Australia is one of the most developed countries in the world in every aspect. It is also one of the best countries for living. One of the reasons for this is that the economy of the country is very strong and that the income per capita is very high. Australia's income per capita is moving in the between 53.000 and 55.500 dollars per year, and this places the country on the 10th place in the world, leaving most of the countries in the world far behind.