The correct answer would be, Spectators.
According to Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff of Forrester Research, Spectators are those who read blogs, listen to podcasts, watch videos and generally consume media.
Charlene Li is an American Consultant, Author and Social Media Expert. She has written many books and won Independent Publisher Book Award for Business/Career/Sales.
Josh Bernoff is also an American writer, who has written many books including some best seller books. He has been working for Forrester Research for more than 20 years and work on the future of Technology.
Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff worked for Forrester Research and found out that people who read blogs, listen to podcasts, watch videos and generally consume media are the Spectators, who only watches the things happening. According to them, there are also joiners who maintain their social networking profiles and visit other sites as well.
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a Self-fullfiling prophecy.
Self-fulfilling prophecies are psychological phenomena in which individuals predict an event, and due to their conscious or unconscious behavior, said event ends up happening.
For instance, Jim has a physics exam in two weeks. The exam is about thermodynamics, a topic that James dislikes because he doesn't understand it. After hearing the news that the exam was coming, he immediately claims that he was going to fail the exam. Out of resignation, he thinks: why bother studying, I'm not good at thermodynamics, and even though he may not realize it, he is setting himself up to fail. The day of the exam comes, and because he did not study one bit during the last two weeks, he loses the exam.
In this particular case, Marcus has a big wrestling match coming up, but he fears that he will lose. The week before the match, he claims that he is "really busy with other studies," and does not practice at all. Even though he may not realize he is doing this, he is setting himself up so that he will have an "excuse" in case he loses the match. Marcus is apparently engaging in a self-fullfilling prophecy.
The fourth one, they acquired Louisiana Territory.