Copy the code as many times as needed so that each usage is separate.
Google Slides. Google has made a conscious effort to emulate many of MS Office's tools, and Slides is their alternative to PowerPoint. ...
DesignBold. ...
PowToon. ...
Slides. ...
ClearSlide. ...
Moovly. ...
Prezi. ...
print("Let's play Silly Sentences!")
print(" ")
name=input("Enter a name: ")
adj1=input("Enter an adjective: ")
adj2=input("Enter an adjective: ")
adv=input("Enter an adverb: ")
fd1=input("Enter a food: ")
fd2=input("Enter another food: ")
noun=input("Enter a noun: ")
place=input("Enter a place: ")
verb=input("Enter a verb: ")
print(" ")
print(name + " was planning a dream vacation to " + place + ".")
print(name + " was especially looking forward to trying the local \ncuisine, including " + adj1 + " " + fd1 + " and " + fd2 + ".")
print(" ")
print(name + " will have to practice the language " + adv + " to \nmake it easier to " + verb + " with people.")
print(" ")
print(name + " has a long list of sights to see, including the\n" + noun + " museum and the " + adj2 + " park.")
Got it right. Might be a longer version, but it worked for me.
You would click the right button to a shortcuts