I believe they separate the chromosomes (or replicate), so A.
Answer: Liver
The liver is the largest gland in the body, weighing 1200 to 1500g, with a smooth surface and reddish-brown color. It is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, it is pyramidal in shape, and is in a slightly oblique position, Having two faces: one upper anterior, directly in contact with the diaphragm and a lower poster, directly in contact with the underlying abdominal viscera. the falciform ligament topographically divides the diaphragmatic liver face into right and left lobes.
Fixing the upper poster, in each hepatic lobe, we find the coronary ligaments, which unite at their extreme laterals giving rise to the triangular ligaments and anteriorly on the diaphragmatic face, originating the falciform ligament.
i got my answer from american red cross also my gu went with true sorry if wrong
Mitosis is the nuclear division followed by cytokinesis, which leads to the production of two daughter cells.
<u>It includes the following phases -
1. Interphase - In this process the Cell actively metabolizes and prepare itself for the process of mitosis and the Chromosomes are not clearly discerned .
2. Prophase - In this phase , the Chromatin gets to condense and can be visualized under a light microscope and Nucleolus gets disappeared , Centrioles begins to move to opposite ends of the cell .
3. Metaphase - In this phase the Spindle fibers gets align the chromosome along the middle of the nucleus of the cell thereby creating a metaphase plate .
4. Anaphase - In this phase , the chromosomes which got paired up gets separate at the kinetochores and move to the opposite directions of the cell , the Spindle microtubules and physical interaction among polar microtubules is responsible for kinetochore movement.
5. Telophase - In this phase , the Chromatids completely move to the opposite poles of the cell , and new membranes start forming around the daughter nuclei and the Chromosomes disperse and become invisible. Cytokinesis starts.
6. Cytokinesis - In this final process the Actin fiber ring around the center of the cell contracts and create the cell into two daughter cells.
Answer: your bag will finish at 2112.
Explanation: (38gtt/min) × (10gtt/ml).
Cross multiply. (38gtt×1ml) × (1min×10gtt)
This gives you 38/10...and the gtts cancel out so, it's 38ml/10min.
Simplify this to 3.8 ml/min.
Now, 3.8ml/x min = 500 ml.
Take 500/3.8. This gives you about 132 minutes if you round to the nearest minute. 60 min/he means 132 min = 2h12m. 2h12m from 1900 is 2112.