I wish could see a picture or a screen of it ! :)
I believe water can go across the membrane. I hope this helps.
Hormones appear to be influenced by emotion and external behavior. For example, one's activity level may increase the production of a hormone, just as hormones often influence the way an individual feels. Hormones are found to impact behavior indirectly through emotional experiences. For example, an individual may feel a specific way as a result of hormone fluctuations but not behave or act out accordingly. The interaction between the emotion and environment play a large role on how hormonal influences are expressed behaviorally. Hormone production also appears to influence various behaviors.
"The liver produces bile which emulsifies fats i.e. breaks them down into small droplets for a larger surface area. This will increase the rate at which the fat is digested by lipase. Bile also neutralizes the acid produced by the stomach to provide ideal alkaline conditions for enzymes in the small intestine."