Cell specialization allows cells to perform essential cell specific tasks. Such as nerve cells, red blood cells etc.
S phase
The S is short for synthesis, which means that DNA is being replicated. This is one of the stages of interphase, when the cell is growing and getting ready to divide. Well, this is the getting ready to divide part of interphase; the cell needs to duplicate its DNA so it has enough to divide out to daughter cells.
Enzyme-containing laundry detergents will remove stains more effectively than detergents without enzymes. Stains will be removed more successfully from clothing with homemade laundry detergent than from commercial detergents.
A variable that is independent is precisely what it sounds like. It is a stand-alone variable that is unaffected by the other variables you are attempting to assess. Age, for instance, could be an independent variable. A person's age won't alter as a result of other circumstances like what they eat, how much they attend school, or how much television they watch. In actuality, when attempting to establish a link between two variables, you are attempting to determine whether the independent variable affects the dependent variables in any way.
A dependent variable is precisely what it sounds like, just like an independent variable. It is something on which other elements depend. A test score, for instance, maybe a dependent variable because it could vary based on a number of variables, including how much you studied, how much sleep you got the night before the test, and even how hungry you were.
To learn more about the dependent variable here:-
d. more permeable to sodium ions.
The binding of Acetylcholine with the receptors at motor end plate facilitate membrane permeability to sodium ions therefore opening of voltage gated channels for sodium ions.
Sodium ions diffused into the synapse of post synaptic neuron at the neuromuscular junction.
If the stimulus is up to threshold levels; more chemical(neurotransmitter) gated sodium channels opens, and sodium ions move into the synapse to depolarize the membrane with reversal of charges to generate action potential.
The continuous binding of Acetycholine , leads to permanent opening of sodium ions,and over excitation from depolarization. Acetycholinesterase enzymes breakdown Acetycholine to choline and Acetyl Co -A. These are recycle back to Acetycholiine
Distinct mechanisms are used by bacteria in order to transfer the gene from one bacteria to another. These are transformation, transduction, and conjugation. Transformation refers to the process of uptaking extracellular DNA by the recipient of the other bacterial cell.
In the process of transduction, the donor DNA gets packed within the bacteriophage and infects the recipient bacteria. In the process of conjugation, the genetic substance is transferred by the donor bacteria to the recipient via the process of mating.
a. Of all these three mechanisms, transformation is the process that exhibits a broad range and can be easily performed in the lab. As in the process, there is a slight chance of rejection or failure due to direct compatibility between the bacteria.
b. While the narrowest broad range is found in the process of conjugation, as in order to transfer the genetic substance between the two bacterial species, there should be a similarity between the two species so that they can mate and exchange the genetic substance in between them.