Whenever you add fractions it means you need a common denominator. The quickest way to find this number is to multiply the two denominators together (in this case 8 and 9).
So your new fractions are 63/72 and 32/72. When you add those you get 95/72.
Next simply divide the two numbers to get a decimal, so here we get: 1.31944...
So this number is closer to 1
Hope that helps!!
x+ 3/2y= 15
Step-by-step explanation:
To put the equation into standard form, the leading coefficient has to be 1. So, divide the whole equation by 8.
x+ 3/2y= 15
34 degrees will be your answer
I have the same problem here with a slight change in the given values:
radius is 2 & height of 6 indicates the bounding line is y = 3 x---> x = y / 3....
<span>thus the [ π radius ² thickness ] yields π (y² / 9 ) <span>dy ,</span> y in [ 0 , 6 ] for the volume... </span>
a Riemann sum is then : y_i = 0 + i [ 6 / n ] = 6 i / n , i = 1,2,3...n and do a right side sum
<span>π Σ { i = 1,2,3..n } [ 36 i² / 9 n² ] [ 6 / n ]
I hope my guide has come to your help. God bless and have a nice day ahead!
each taco is $7.
Step-by-step explanation:
In total he spent $36. He bought a shirt for $22 and a bottle of water for $4.
22+4= 26
36-22= 14
14 divided by 2= 7