51 3/4....................
Well if it was 8 hours in the morning and 7 in the evening per day of the week it would be 105 divided by 2 for the number of sessions would equal to 52.5 sessions. if it was just that amount of time from that whole week, it would be 15 hours divided by 2 which would give you 7.5... Did that help?
($9.20) 2 = $18.40 ...................
Step-by-step explanation:
To multiply a sum (or difference) by a factor, each summand (or minuend and subtrahend) is multiplied by this factor and the resulting products are added (or subtracted).
If the operation outside the parentheses (in this case, the multiplication) is commutative, then left-distributivity implies right-distributivity and vice versa, and one talks simply of distributivity.