Polyphony began and musical rules changed
The tritone is argued as a musical interval composed of three adjacent whole tones. It is often defined as an interval spanning six semitones. it led to the disregard of traditional tonality.
British authorities treated the three southern provinces as a separate region. The colonial administration, as it consolidated its southern position in the 1920s, detached the south from the rest of Sudan for all practical purposes.
vasco da gama went around africa to find the new way to asia.
It became known as... *drum roll please* The Justinian Code!
Fun fact: The Justinian Code is a legal code that the emperor Justinian made in 538 B.C.E. about much of the Byzantine life and served the Byzantine Empire for 900 years. Also known as, Corpus Juris Civilis, Justinian's code is a formal revising of Roman law.
Hope that helps!