<h2>I think it's helpful for you ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️</h2>
<span>Nixon during debate with Khrushchev - Nixon said that you "didn't need a wife" while pointing to the automatic floor sweeper. After 1945, women lost most of the industrial jobs they had performed during the war. As during most of history, women who worked outside of home remained in low-salary jobs rather than better-paying manufacturing positions. After sharp postwar drop in female employment, the number of women at work soon began to rise. The modern woman worked part-time to help support the family's middle-class lifestyle. Media portrayed marriage as the most important goal of American women, and married younger, more children, "baby boom". The ability of women to remain at home, declared a government official, "separates us from the Communist world," where a high % of women worked</span>
According to Aristotle, both tragedy and epic are forms of imitation. Tragedy imitates directly by means of mimesis and epic both directly and indirectly by means of mimesis and diegesis. While epic imitates solely by means of words, tragedy also imitates by means of spectacle. Both epic and tragedy portray people better or greater than the average spectator, unlike comedy which portrays people as worse than they actually are and uses humour to dissuade us from acting badly (Aristotle's lost treatise on comedy may be summarized in the Tractatus Coislinianus; see also Eco, The Name of the Rose for interesting view of Aristotle on comedy)
Due to practical constraints of production, tragedy ideally has a single unified action which is often restricted to a specific time and place. and a small n umber of characters, while epic has a broader scope of coverage.
They basically had the same motive which was to contain communism
Martin Luther King Jr.
And because i would want to know how he felt at the time during the civil rights movement, And i would of wanted to get to know him.