Answer: A feudal system created on the ruins of slavery.
The feudal system is a social system that was in place during the Middle Ages. This system consisted of landowners, respectively (feudal lords), and tenants (feudal) land that the feudal lords leased. This system was suitable for landowners. Namely, it was the peasants who cultivated the ground and gave most of the income to the landlord; for them, it was generally smaller, the amount that the peasant could survive. In these circumstances, it was the serfs who endured the complete system, and often there were riots, which were largely suppressed. We can, therefore, conclude that the peasant, unlike the feudal lord, was not privileged and in any way protected by the system.
Answer: This is a way slave owners degraded slaves even more, making them feel less worth. Invoking the sense of only being property, it degrades them.
You need a colon after expect because if not it would be a run on sentence. If you choose any of the other answers or leave it the same it would be a run on sentence.