5% Of 42,450 (.05*42,450=2,122.5)
4% of 44,572.5 (.04*44,572.5=1,782.9)
The answer is 46,355.4 miles
In the equation y = mx + b for a straight line, the number m is called the slope of the line. Let x = 0, then y = m • 0 + b, so y = b. The number b is the coordinate on the y-axis where the graph crosses the y-axis.
The percent of the area under the density curve where
is more that 3 is 25 %.
Step-by-step explanation:
Since the density curve is a linear function, the area under the curve can be calculated by the geometric formula for a triangle, defined by the following expression:
- Area, in square units.
- Base of the triangle, in units.
- Height of the triangle, in units.
The percent of the area is the ratio of triangle areas under the density curve multiplied by 100 per cent, that is:

The percent of the area under the density curve where
is more that 3 is 25 %.
I need more information to calculate it for you
General: 100.
Punto rojo: 75.
Alcance 2X: 69.
Alcance 4X: 62.
Alcance AWM: 34.
El arma M14 es ideal para enfrentamientos de largo alcance en Garena Free Fire.
El arma Groza es una buena arma para usar en situaciones de combate de mediano a largo alcance en Garena Free Fire.
El AWM es posiblemente el rifle de francotirador más fuerte de Garena Free Fire.
Step-by-step explanation:
depende del alcance que haya equipado