Prophase is the first phase is when the two sister chromatids pair up and the nucleoli disappears. Prometaphase is the second phase where the microtubules begin to separate from each other, each pair of microtubules attach to the kinetochores and some nonkinetohore microtubules interact with those from the opposite pole of the spindle. Metaphase is the third phase where the chromosomes are lined up on the invisible line of the metaphase plate. Anaphase is the fourth phase where the two daughter chromosomes begin to separate from each other to opposite poles. Telophase is the last phase where the two daughter nuclei form creating two identical nuclei.
Stationary front
warm front=2
occluted front=3
stationary front= 4
cold front=1
More specific plz I could just say eat,breath,drink but I doubt that's right can I get some more details?
Answer: billions of types of proteins