Interpretation is defined as a process of the creation of meaning. Life is a series of events, and with each event we attach a meaning . With each event we decide upon an interpretation . It is with these interpretations or attached meanings that we define who and what we are and what we can have and do. Then we go about life collecting evidence to confirm and validate these interpretations . A person's interpretation of an event can be affected through anger , the feeling of being a victim, not making the right decision, negative interpretation and past events among others. That's why it is so important to learn to be in the moment ' in order to experience the genius of you, who you really are, to experience the infinite . No doubt there is a bigger picture out there for your life; it is up to you to master the art of the interpretation
Use simple and succinct words instead of long-winded ones. Business letters need to be pithy; this can be achieved by making use of clear and concise words, short sentences, and crisp paragraphs. Be direct: Your reader is a busy professional, so come straight to the point in your letter without beating around the bush.
ar 14, 2019 · ‘We Wear the Mask’ by Paul Laurence Dunbar is a three-stanza poem which is separated into one set of five lines, one of four, and one of six. The poem is structured in the form of a rondeau. This form is defined by having 10-15 lines and being organized into three stanzas.
The given passage talks about how humans have become so dependent on machines. The author considers that one of the defect of our civilzation is that humans have become so dependent on machines. He asserts that humans created machines to aid them and help them. Humans were supposed to be machines master. But, it appears that machines are slowly taking place of humans, as masters.
The author asserts that machines require proper maintenance. They demand proper service and fueling, and on time. If proper caring is not done to them, they begin to throw tantrums by blowing up, bursting out, stopping to work, etc. Humans, according to author, even use their remaining time making more machines, which pose a threat that machines may become humans master.
The answer here will be “sunned itself” (used without object)-Verb