The best example for the DBMS is certainly the Microsoft Access. And various examples of RDBMS are MySQL, Sql Server, Amazon DynamoDB and so on. However, its essential to understand the difference between the RDBMS and the DBMS. The main difference between the two is certainly that in the RDBMS the application stores the data in tabular manner, and DBMS the data is stored as files. In the RDBMS the tables comes with identifier known as primary key, and the data values are being saved in the form of tables.
Please check the answer section.
There are up to 12 lights and or plugs on that circuit. A 1000w HPS or Metal Halide light takes 9 amps at 120 volts so you can only run one on a wall outlet circuit. A standard dryer outlet is 220 volts and 30 amps so you can power up to six 1000 watt lights on that circuit.
It is very hard as easy anticheat is the leading anticheat right now, you can do some web surfing and maybe find out.
Answer and Explanation:
In order to use the justified text
The name of the tab is the Home tab
The command is
First select the data in which you want to justify
Than go to the home tab after that go to the paragraph tab and then click on the dialog box launcher after that choose the drop-down menu of alignment and set justified text
The shortcut key is to use it is Ctrl + J
Examples are Ctrl, Alt, Fn, Alt Gr, Shift, Caps Lock, Tab, Scroll Lock, Num lock, Esc, Windows Key, Backspace, Enter...