Answer, Explanation:
"The American and French revolution influenced Latin American independence by showing them that it is possible to gain independence. Also the American and French revolutions showed nationalism because both countries were fighting for the best of their country. So nationalism eventually influenced Latin American leaders to stand up for their country. An example of a leader is Simon bolivar who was fighting for Latin American independence against Spain and eventually got it."
<span>The term "Seminole" is a derivative of "cimarron" which means "wild men" in Spanish. The original Seminoles were given this name because they were Indians who had escaped from slavery in the British-controlled northern colonies. When they came to Florida, they were not called Seminoles as they were actually Creeks, Indians of Muskogee derivation. The Muskogean tribes comprised the Mississipian culture which were temple-mound builders. Among the Muskogean tribes were the Creeks, Hitichis and Yamasees of Georgia, the Apalachees of Florida, the Alabamas and Mobiles of Alabama, and the Choctaws, Chickasaws and Houmas of Mississippi.</span>
Grant and Sherman used the strategy of total war to shorten the war in their favor, using the many deaths of enemies to save lives on their side. We may never know if more would've died if they didn't use the tactic, but in my opinion civilian lives were not theirs to take. Soldiers agreed to die, but civilians didn't, making total war, in my opinion, not right. Others may say that their lives were a necessary sacrifice towards a common goal, but, in my opinion, if one side uses total war, can't the other side use it too for a horrible end? Form your own opinion, but that is mine.
Public safety is at risk.
Utilitarianism is a set of consequentialist ethical theories that promote actions that will maximize well-being and happiness for the ones involved. It emphasizes producing the greatest good for the greatest number. From an utilitarian perspective, rights to privacy or to hold information about oneself may be outweighed in cases where public safety is at risk.
Agriculture remains strong as Texas leads the nation in cattle and cotton production.