Adam might have forgotten to loop the guessing code, meaning that instead of letting him guess multiple times, it simply does it once and ends the program. This could be fixed by adding a while loop, or something of the sort, that doesn't let the user finish the program until they guess the number correctly, while adding to the variable that stores the number of guesses each loop.
data source
The main aim of a data source is for the gathering of all necessary information that is needed to access a data. Since he has used the information to create a pie chart, this means that some data were used for the creation of this pie chart. Hence the information used for the creation of the pie chart is the data source for the information illustrated on the pie chart.
Smaller down and monthly payments than leasing a car
Option A.
If you lease a car, then the amount of money that a person has to pay in the form of monthly payments and installments is less when compared to when a person owns a car.
When you own a car, the monthly payment made is more than the monthly payments compared to when the car has to be leased. This is the disadvantage of owning a car, that the payment is more to be made.
firstly we have to initialize the variable, means to give variable a value and then print the statement
string = "fahadisahadam"
string is a data type that contains two or more characters.
means the string is fahadisahadam so the print will print first three characters. follow by three periods(...) and then last three characters.
The output will be: