The answer is C - Recombinant DNA. Why?
A transgene is a gene or genetic material that has been transferred naturally, or by any of a number of genetic engineering techniques from one organism to another. The introduction of a transgene (called "transgenesis") has the potential to change the phenotype of an organism.
Viruses have not a nucleus, but they have viral DNA that they can transplant into other healthy cells to infect them.
The inheritance of ABO blood groups corresponds to an autosomal codominant pattern.
The blood type is defined by the presence of surface antigens in the red blood cell, called A and B. The presence of each antigen is determined by a gene present on the parental chromosomes.
- Blood type A corresponds to the presence of gene A, and its genotypic expression can be A/A or A/O.
- Type B blood, whose genotype is B/B or B/O, is due to the presence of a gene containing the B antigen.
- AB blood -due to codominance- has one gene for A and another for B, with genotype A/B.
- Blood type O, characterised by the absence of surface antigens, behaves like a recessive trait, which only manifests itself in the absence of surface antigens A and B. The genotype is O/O.
The presence of an antigen A or B, suppresses the expression of blood type O, recessive, which will be possible only in its homozygous form.
Learn more:
Factors responsible for ABO blood type