It may result to endangering that animal. Hope you enjoy your awnser!
As when things get eaten some of the energy is lost the predators have to have more than one prey to survive, this means there is only a limited amount to be shared which means less predators
it is located 1000 nucleotides upstream of the gene’s core promoter - true
it is located 1000 nucleotides downstream of the gene’s core promoter- true
it is in the gene’s coding region - False
These enhancers are located 50 or more kilobases from the promoter they controlled upstream from a promoter, downstream from a promoter within an intron, or even downstream from the <u>final exon</u> of a gene which can be thousands of bp away from the gene's core promoter and can also occur thousands of nucleotides away from the gene's core promoter needing the activity of a DNA -bending protein that binds to the enhancer changing the shape of the DNA and allow interactions between the activators and transcription factors.
The metabolic chemical reaction is reversible, and they too would attain equilibrium if they take place in a test tube separately. However, if a cell attains metabolic equilibrium it is considered as dead. Thus, a cell in the body is not in equilibrium.
The spontaneous flow of substances within and outside of the cell prevents the metabolic pathways from attaining an equilibrium, and the cell persists to perform the work all through its life. This principle is demonstrated by the open hydroelectric system.