Well, the census is to find the population, so it does by giving seats in the House.
Answer: It allows firms to finance technological advancements, which lead to economic growth
Answer: B: Offenders engage in direct forms of violence.
Explanation: According to the Britanica Encyclopedia "White-collar crime, crime committed by persons who, often by virtue of their occupations, exploit social, economic, or technological power for personal or corporate gain". White collar crimes tends to refer to a crime committed by a bussinessman or bussinesswoman who are more likely to be middle aged or older usually by persons from the middle class and sometimes but not very often the lower class. Fraud, money laundering, stealing company funds and embezzlment are considered white collar crimes. It is often seen as less serious when compared to other crimes because it does not involve physical violence. Public order crimes are not associated to white collar crimes. Financal gain is the ulterior motive of white collar crimes.
White-collar crime have been associated with the educated and affluent ever since the term was first coined in 1949 by sociologist Edwin Sutherland, who defined it as "crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of their occupation", however, these crimes have ceased to be exclusive to such groups.
The correct answer to the question which is stated above is: <span>how personalities develop due to society.
</span>How personalities develop due to society <span>illustrates a micro-level focus.
>></span> Micro-level<span> process </span>focused on interaction among individuals;<span>social status and social roles are the most vital components of social structure. </span>
d. personal and positive
Interpersonal relationship: It refers to the strong connection and association between different individuals who work together in a particular organization. To deliver the best performance, employees who work together should share a good bond. They portray positive gratitude, effective communication, understanding, and trust towards each other.
1. Less loneliness.
2. Gain self-esteem and self-knowledge.
3. Enhance emotional and physical health.
The interpersonal relationship between Ming Li and Erica is personal and positive.