You have been appointed to a health education team at your school. Your job is to develop the criteria for the health information you will be sharing with students.
They can be high in calories or fat
- I think this is it because my reasoning is that companies compensate low sugar and salt for other ingredients and chemicals that add a car-p load of calories and added fats to make it taste better.
The correct answer is to do 100 to 120 compression per minute.
Areya's sequence of what she did was correct, she checked for consciousness, called 911 and then started to do chest compressions. As she is still learning CPR and is not that confident yet in her abilities it is recommended that the amount of compressions performed is 100 to 120 per minute not 60.
Why is it important to have safety while doing physical activity?
- Overview. Practicing exercise safety helps optimize the health benefits of a fitness routine.
- When planning an exercise program, it's important to consider factors such as age and health history as well as personal strength and stamina.
<h3> Five ways to incorporate safety while being active -</h3>
- Use safety equipment.
- Warm up to your workout.
- Drink plenty of fluids when you are physically active, even if you are not thirsty.
- Always bend forward from the hips, not the waist.
- Stop being active if you feel very out of breath, dizzy, or nauseated or have pain.
Learn more about being active