To multiply fractions, you multiply numerator with numerator and denominator with denominator
In other words: a/b*c/d=(a*c)/(b*d)
So 1st one is (5*2)/(6*3) which is 10/18 or 5/9 simplified
2nd one is (9*5)/(10*18) which is 45/180 or 1/4 simplified
3rd one is (4*3)/(5*4) which is 12/20 or 3/5 simplified
4th one is (2*5)/(3*1) which is 10/3 or 3 1/3 if you want a mixed number
Hope this helped!
It is the grapes + apples= 5 6/8+2 1/8 = 46/8+ 17/8= 63/8 0r 7 7/8 pount of fruit.
After discount: $418; total (including tax): $388.74
1). infer 2). fired 3). filed 4). filer 5). elfin 6). nerdy 7). felid 8). finer 9). liner 10). lined 11). fiery 12). fiend 13). ferly 14). ferny 15). lindy 16). fined 17). lifer 18). field 19). redly 20). riley 21). riled 22). liney 23). rifle 24). drily 25). fried 26). diner 27). flier 28). flied 29). idler 30). deify 31). reify 32). yield 33). refly 34). dynel 35). edify 36). flyer
hope this helps :)