A decimal point is a dot or period that is placed after a whole number. Every number has a decimal point. For example, 1.243 has one. Also, 5. has a decimal point. They are just sometimes invisible. When you use a decimal point, it means that the number has a part of something added to it.
3/4 inches
Step-by-step explanation:
Subtract Jimmys string length from Sam's string length
7 1/2 - 6 3/4
Get a common denominator of 4
7 1/2*2/2 - 6 3/4
7 2/4 - 6 3/4
Borrow 1 ( or 4/4) from the 7
6 4/4 + 2/4 - 6 3/4
6 6/4 - 6 3/4
1.5 or 1 1/2 of a lawn in one hour. about one hour to mow one yard.
Step-by-step explanation:
The distribution is symmetric.
Step-by-step explanation:
<em>The distribution will be skew left, if the data is more distributed on left side of graph.</em>
<em>The distribution will be right left, if the data is more distributed on right side of graph.</em>
<em>The distribution is symmetric if from the center, the data is distributed symmetrically, equal increase or decrease on either side.</em>
<em>The distribution is uniform if the value of data remains constant throughout the graph.</em>
Above here, the from the center, the data decreases symmetrically on both the sides, same values of data for Cat-Rabbit pair and Dog-Mice pair.
Thus, distribution is symmetric.