Frederick Douglass was born into slavery sometime in 1817 or 1818. Like many slaves, he is unsure of his exact date of birth. Douglass is separated from his mother, Harriet Bailey, soon after he is born. His father is most likely their white master, Captain Anthony. Captain Anthony is the clerk of a rich man named Colonel Lloyd. Lloyd owns hundreds of slaves, who call his large, central plantation the “Great House Farm.” Life on any of Lloyd’s plantations, like that on many Southern plantations, is brutal. Slaves are overworked and exhausted, receive little food, few articles of clothing, and no beds. Those who break rules—and even those who do not—are beaten or whipped, and sometimes even shot by the plantation overseers, the cruelest of which are Mr. Severe and Mr. Austin Gore.
Douglass’s life on this plantation is not as hard as that of most of the other slaves. Being a child, he serves in the household instead of in the fields. At the age of seven, he is given to Captain Anthony’s son‑in‑law’s brother, Hugh Auld, who lives in Baltimore. In Baltimore, Douglass enjoys a relatively freer life. In general, city slave-owners are more conscious of appearing cruel or neglectful toward their slaves in front of their non‑slaveowning neighbors.
Sophia Auld, Hugh’s wife, has never had slaves before, and therefore she is surprisingly kind to Douglass at first. She even begins to teach Douglass to read, until her husband orders her to stop, saying that education makes slaves unmanageable. Eventually, Sophia succumbs to the mentality of slaveowning and loses her natural kindliness. Though Sophia and Hugh Auld become crueler toward him, Douglass still likes Baltimore and is able to teach himself to read with the help of local boys. As he learns to read and write, Douglass becomes conscious of the evils of slavery and of the existence of the abolitionist, or antisla-very, movement. He resolves to escape to the North eventually.
After the deaths of Captain Anthony and his remaining heirs, Douglass is taken back to serve Thomas Auld, Captain Anthony’s son‑in‑law. Auld is a mean man made harsher by his false religious piety. Auld considers Douglass unmanageable, so Auld rents him for one year to Edward Covey, a man known for “breaking” slaves. Covey manages, in the first six months, to work and whip all the spirit out of Douglass. Douglass becomes a brutish man, no longer interested in reading or freedom, capable only of resting from his injuries and exhaustion. The turning point comes when Douglass resolves to fight back against Covey. The two men have a two‑hour fight, after which Covey never touches Douglass again.
His year with Covey over, Douglass is next rented to William Freeland for two years. Though Freeland is a milder, fairer man, Douglass’s will to escape is nonetheless renewed. At Freeland’s, Douglass begins edu-cating his fellow slaves in a Sabbath school at the homes of free blacks. Despite the threat of punishment and violence they face, many slaves from neighboring farms come to Douglass and work diligently to learn. At Freeland’s, Douglass also forms a plan of escape with three fellow slaves with whom he is close. Someone betrays their plan to Freeland, however, and Douglass and the others are taken to jail. Thomas Auld then sends Douglass back to Baltimore with Hugh Auld, to learn the trade of ship caulking.
In Baltimore’s trade industry, Douglass runs up against strained race relations. White workers have been working alongside free black workers, but the whites have begun to fear that the increasing numbers of free blacks will take their jobs. Though only an apprentice and still a slave, Douglass encounters violent tactics of intimidation from his white coworkers and is forced to switch shipyards. In his new apprenticeship, Douglass quickly learns the trade of caulking and soon earns the highest wages possible, always turning them over to Hugh Auld.
Eventually, Douglass receives permission from Hugh Auld to hire out his extra time. He saves money bit by bit and eventually makes his escape to New York. Douglass refrains from describing the details of his escape in order to protect the safety of future slaves who may attempt the journey. In New York, Douglass fears recapture and changes his name from Bailey to Douglass. Soon after, he marries Anna Murray, a free woman he met while in Baltimore. They move north to Massachusetts, where Douglass becomes deeply engaged with the abolitionist movement as both a writer and an orator.
For Chinese people, it is very important to be better than your colleagues, to be respected and to make sure you are not disgraced in the social nets. In order to achieve this, children should study hard to be the best they can be. However, for most Americans it is the opposite, they do not feel disgraced if they are not the best. Obviously, in “Two Kinds”, the conflicts between Jing-mei and her mother are partially because the intense relationship between them, which comes from her wishing her daughter would live her dream. The reason why Jing-mei’s mother is asking her to play piano is her mother wants her to beat Auntie Lindo’s daughter in the field of music. If Jing-mei cannot do this, her mother would feel disgraced, because Auntie Lindo’s daughter is good at playing chess, who gains a certain amount of fame as “Chinatown’s littlest Chinese Chess Champion. In the story, Jing-mei’s mother told her “Of course you can be prodigy, too. You can be best anything. What does Auntie Lindo know? Her daughter, she is only best tricky” (454). Jing-mei’s mother thought Jing-mei can be prodigy if you give her proper guidance. She thought Jing-mei can be the best while actually Jing-mei does not have such talent. In fact, Jing-mei did very badly on the talent show of the Chinatown, and eventually she …show more content…
It is different from cultural conflict, but is a more common reason. In the story, Jing-mei’s mother seldom has effective communication with her daughter, because she does everything in her own way and never stands in Jing-mei’s point of view. Jing-mei does not want to do the tests, but she dares not to tell her mother about this. She lets her mother give up on her by paying no interest in the tests. “I pretended to be bored. And I was. I got so bored … At last she was beginning to give up hope” (456). This indicates that they have a big generation gap; Jing-mei never tells her mother her real thoughts because her mother has never talked to her heart to heart. Even though her mother has become a citizen of the United States, her thought is still rooted in traditional dogmatic Chinese culture. In her mind, Jing-mei should always be obedient. And even if Jing-mei did so, the generation gap between them can only be bigger. According to the story, at first Jing-mei tries to be obedient, she tries to play piano every day. But eventually, all her feelings are that her mother does not care about her at all. Her mother forced her to do so even though she does not like it. Her anger accumulates one day after another which enlarges the generation gap between them and finally it breaks
Definition of Stanza. In poetry, a stanza is a division of four or more lines having a fixed length, meter, or rhyming scheme. Stanzas in poetry are similar to paragraphs in prose. Both stanzas and paragraphs include connected thoughts, and are set off by a space.
According to "Astrophysicist Chronicles Battle over Pluto," Dr. Tyson decide to exclude Pluto from the exhibits of planets, because it displays the characteristics of an icy body rather than a planet.
Astrophysicist Chronicles Battle over Pluto is a story of one of our solar system planet ‘Pluto.’ When Will Galmot visited the American Museum of Natural History, he noticed that it included hundreds of planet except Pluto. So he sent a letter to the museum authorities as to why Pluto isn’t included.
In 2006 when Dr. Tyson excluded the planet Pluto and labeled it as ‘dwarf planet’ he was criticized my many and he gave a justification by stating that, Pluto is no more than just a icy body, we cannot label Pluto a planet. If Pluto takes the place of earth, from the rays coming from sun will would dry up that ice and what will remain will just be a piece of its tail.’
He thinks she is worried but optimistic about her husband's
In the central theme of the story, it is given a fact that
the belief of superstitions is something to be afraid of, although people have
taken a wise decision to trust on medicinal treatments.