Decision Point: International Market Analysis You've done a considerable amount of research and have determined the follöwing Ap
proximately 75% of the population in Ethiopia does not have electricity. Approximately 55% of the population in Nigeria does not have electricity. Nearly 40% of the population in Bangladesh does not have electricity. Nearly 25% of the population in Indonesia does not have electricity. Approximately 25% of the population in India does not have electricity. * Yoè recognize, however, that it would be wise to consider the population of those countries before determining which market(s) would have the greatest potential for your products, so you obtain that information as well. Your research reveals the following population estimates: . Population of Ethiopia: 102,000,000 .
Population of Nigeria: 187,000,000 .
Population of Bangladesh: 163,000,000
Population of Indonesia: 260,000,000
Population of India: 1,327,000,000
Based on the information presented above, calculate the number of people in each country who do not have access to electricity.
Within an economic and monetary union, there is a level of economic integration that involves the use of a common currency, harmonization of members' tax rates, and a common monetary and fiscal policy
An economic and monetary union is a form of economic integration of states, including the common market, harmonization of economic policy (or common economic policy) in several areas, and monetary union (a common currency or at least fixed exchange rates between Member States). It is the fifth phase of economic integration.
Sometimes a monetary union is seen as either the starting point of an economic (and monetary) union, sometimes - more often - than its completion. Since there is also a monetary union without a common market and / or harmonized economic policy, the concepts of "economic and monetary union" and "monetary union" need to be differentiated.
A typical example is the European Union's Economic and Monetary Union.
The administration and management sciences, should not be confused with administration and management practices, constitute an autonomous body of knowledge that aims to clarify the collective behavioral actions of organized human groups, which result in the creation of companies, associations, administrations, etc. The administration and management sciences are action and decision sciences, which are supported and articulated in numerous disciplines of the exact sciences and human sciences.
The administration and management sciences group disciplines such as finance, human resources, marketing, accounting, information systems, logistics, entrepreneurship, organizational theory, business strategy, marketing strategy, etc.
The best answer would be: traditional economy (specifically, it's definitely neither market economy nor command economy - in those economies the family does not necessarily play a role in the chose of roles).
An example of such strict economic roles is ancient India - and the roles are called castes.