captive portal
Captive portal -
It is a web page , which is opened along side the web browser which get displayed on to the fresh connected users of the Wi-Fi network , just before it gets the assurance to use the resources of the network , is known as captive portal .
Generally captive portal requires authentication or payment for access the internet resource .
Hence , from the question information , the example shown in the question is about captive portal .
You can use it when like confirming a policy
Un lenguaje de programación es un lenguaje formal (o artificial, es decir, un lenguaje con ... Todo esto, a través de un lenguaje que intenta estar relativamente próximo al lenguaje ... Artículo principal: Historia de los lenguajes de programación ... cada una representando lenguajes de programación surgidos en una época ...
current_price = int(input("Enter the current price: "))
last_months_price = int(input("Enter the last month's price: "))
print("This house is $" + str(current_price))
print("The change is $" + str(current_price - last_months_price) + " since last month")
print("The estimated monthly mortgage is ${:.2f}".format((current_price * 0.051) / 12))
Ask the user to enter the current price and last month's price
Print the current price
Print the change in the price, subtract the last month's price from the current price
Print the estimated monthly mortgage, use the given formula to calculate, in required format