Avril Phaedra Douglas "Kim" Campbell
the federal government has almost always spent more than it receives.
Just finished the test.
I have the same question on a quiz
I'm not sure if this will help, but Twain was against imperialism. He spoke out against what happened in the Philippines during the Philippine-American War (in which rebels fought against the US for not recognizing them as a republic -- this after the Spanish American War) and was concerned over the direction that the country was taking with those actions. Keith, on the other hand, was a businessman and entrepreneur who eventually created the United Fruit Company. Through his business holdings in Costa Rica and the Central American region, his companies managed to influence a great deal of the local economy. Instead of using armies and soldiers to take over a country, his companies did the same thing -- through the economy -- turning many areas into private preserves that fed his business interests. In that way, he was definitely something of an imperialist.