Answer: She could be suffering from high anxiety levels.
'An air puff in the eye elicits an eye blink' is the statement that illustrates a US-UR pair.
Option: (B)
- When an event generates an unconditioned stimulus, it is often followed by an unconditioned response spontaneously.
- This kind of stimulus is usually unavoidable and makes the subject vulnerable to respond in a specific manner that is expected for the type of stimulus received.
- The correlation between US and UR is characterized by the input-output link that is apparent in any given event.
The Texas Bill of Rights prohibits the garnishment of wages except for court-ordered child support, whereas the U.S. Constitution does not.
They were tolerant of other religions. They even adopted gods from other religions.
hope this helps!
A.access to scholarly articles in the online library.
B.Jasmine calling her friend to discuss recent troubles at work. an example of operant conditioning. the third rule of social networking.
E.friends helping Liza to pack as she moves across the country.
F.both physical and mental health.
G.Phil taking refuge in his family after a personal loss.
H.pairing an unconditioned response with a neutral stimulus which then becomes a controlled stimulus. the second rule of social networking. the first rule of social networking.
K.both the person and the environment impact external behavior.