individuals do not evolve, as each individual's genes do not change, and evolution is defined as the change in allele frequencies over time.
The one on Earth’s surface is a meteorite.
The one in earth’s atmosphere is a meteoroid.
And the one in space is a meteor.
Adenosine monophosphate (AMP) is a regulatory molecule in metabolic processes such as glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. For example, it stimulates the glycolytic enzyme phosphofructokinase, and therefore ATP production, and it inhibits the gluconeogenic enzyme fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase. Adenylate kinase catalyzes the reversible reaction shown here:
2ADP --> ATP + AMP
During periods of intense activity, when glycolysis is used in the generation of ATP, the reaction lies to the right, decreasing [ADP], generating ATP, and accumulating AMP. However, [ATP] is usually much greater than [ADP], and [ADP] is greater than [AMP].
Determine [AMP] when 3% of the ATP in a hypothetical cell is hydrolyzed to ADP.
<span>In this cell, the initial concentration of ATP is 265 ?M, and the total adenine nucleotide concentration (the concentration of ATP, ADP, and AMP) is 368 ?M. The equilibrium constant K is 0.82</span>
B. ATP synthase. The purpose of the hydrogen gradient is to take advantage of molecules' tendency to move from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration. ATP synthase lets hydrogen ions flow through it to the matrix, and the energy from this flow is used by ATP synthase to synthesize ATP.