G. To describe the ways chickadees have adapted to be able to stay alive in cold climates
<em>I may assert th’ Eternal Providence,</em>
<em>And justifie the wayes of God to men.</em>
John Milton's epic narrative poem "Paradise Lost" is a retelling of the Biblical story of the fall of man from God's grace and from the garden of Eden. This poem was written by Milton as an effort to retell the story for the better understanding of the people.
Book I of the text provides the prologue of the epic poem where Milton states that "I may assert th’ Eternal Providence,/And justifie the wayes of God to men". These lines from line 25 and 26 seems to be the main purpose of this work. Invoking to the supreme to "aid to (his) adventrous Song", he continues to state his purpose, that he had wanted to let the world understand more easily the fall of man from grace, and out of the Garden of Eden.
Thus, the two lines that provide clues to his purpose in writing the epic poem will be
<em>I may assert th’ Eternal Providence,</em>
<em>And justifie the wayes of God to men.</em>
The literary resource he uses is personification.
Personification is a literary resource that allows inanimate animals or objects to have human abilities. This feature is noticeable in the phrase "" what does the Hound think about down there nights? "Where a dog is given the ability to think about something, and that ability is specific to humans.
The use of this resource develops the dialogue and serves to help the reader to understand the two persuasions exposed.