To solve this problem we will apply the work theorem which is expressed as the force applied to displace a body. Considering that body strength is equivalent to weight, we will make the following considerations

Work done to upward the object

Horizontal Force applied while carrying 10m,

Height descended in setting the child down

For full time, assuming that the total value of work is always expressed in terms of its symbol, it would be zero, since at first it performs the same work that is later complemented in a negative way.
Jupiter does. :) it has many storms, causing the wind
No, you shouldn't look directly at the sun at all, unless you have protective eyewear (more than sunglasses/ windshield.) You can look at it for a few seconds but then turn away, unless you want to be blind, like actually burn your corneas and possibly ruin your eyesight.
Velocity is always relative and reference frames are arbitrary.
Relative to a ground based observer with UP as his positive reference frame, velocity would be positive and acceleration would be zero as velocity is not changing. This person would write (+, 0)
For a ground based observer who chooses DOWN as the positive direction, This person would write (-, 0)
relative to a rider inside the elevator car, no sensation of motion or acceleration would be detectible (if no windows and a smooth ride). This person would write (0, 0)
Because problem writers are often not very imaginative, my GUESS is that the desired answer is the first option, which I have highlighted.