This sentence is B a Compound sentence.
Caroline Fisher is the teacher of Scout. She forces Scout to tell her dad to stop teaching her at home. She patted Scout on the hand with a ruler because she thought Scout kept on answering back.
Montag realizes that Beatty wanted to die: "In the middle of crying Montag knew it for the truth . . . He had just stood there not really trying to save himself . . ." (108).
There are two ways to look at this.
First, is Montag just telling himself this to ease his guilt? When reading the showdown between Montag, holding the flamethrower and having just burned his house and books, and the..
Details of Voice of Democracy Scholarship Competition are as follows:
Name of Scholarship: Voice of Democracy Scholarship Competition
Organization: Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW)
Number of Awards: 01
Award Value: $ 30,000
Deadline: October 31, 2021
When on the FastWeb website, Scholarship for High School Seniors is clicked, a new page appeared which included a list of scholarships with the following information:
- Name of the Scholarship
- Award Value
- Deadline
- See Details
The whole list was arranged according to two options:
- By latest announcement
- By largest award value
Out of these, the largest award value scholarship is selected which is the Voice of Democracy Scholarship Competition whose details are as indicated above.