Answer to this is Radioactive isotopes.
Isotopes are the species of the same element having different atomic masses that means the number of protons remains the same but number of neutrons do differ. For example
are the two isotopes of Hydrogen (
Radioactive isotopes are the isotopes which release some kind of energy in the form of alpha particles, beta particles or gamma radiation. Examples of each of the decay processes are :
Alpha Decay: In this decay one alpha particle having atomic mass 4 and atomic number 2 or we can say a He molecule will come out. 
Beta Decay: In this decay a
particle is emitted increasing the atomic number of the reactant by 1 unit.

Gamma Radiation: In this type of reaction only radiation is emitted out which does not change the original molecule.

A camel stores fat in its hump, while the cactus stores water in its thick stem.
Answer: Atoms are neutral if they have the same number of charged protons and electrons, balancing positive and negative charges. ... This is because water itself has slight charges. Answer 7: Atoms are electrically neutral because they have equal numbers of protons (positively charged) and electrons (negatively charged).
2) Gas molecules do not have preferred direction of motion, their motion is completely random. 3) Gas molecules travels in straight line. 4) The time interval of collision between any two gas molecules is very small. 5) The collision between gas molecules and the walls of container is perfectly elastic.