A node is a connection point inside a network that can receive, send, create, or store data. Each node requires you to provide some form of identification to receive access, like an IP address. A few examples of nodes include computers, printers, modems, bridges, and switches.
Short term memory
Is the capacity an individual has to hold on to a small amount of information for a short period of time without altering it, it is used to remember information like phone numbers, passwords etc. It is also known as primary or active memory.
If short time memories is not rehearsed, they don't last and are easily forgotten, they actually last for about 20-30 seconds.
Aspects of short term memory :
1. Limited capacity : in a short term memory at most 7 items can be stored at a time.
2. Limited capacity : information is short lived and can be lost through distraction and with time.
3. Encoding.
You could just use a code library.
B) To help you calculate how much money you have in your account.