the answer is AUG-AAG-GGC-UGA meaning Met-Lys-Gly-Stop. Stop meaning that the strand doesn't continue.
It occurs anywhere between 10-16 years old. Hormones cause it.
Cause living things can not directly use most of matter which they found in nature. For example carbon, all organism use carbon in complex structure, that is in compound or macromolecule(glucose,fructose,amino acid). we can not directly earn ATP from C which we found in soil/other sources.
Anticodon Definition. Anticodons are sequences of nucleotides that are complementary to codons. They are found in tRNAs, and allow the tRNAs to bring the correct amino acid in line with an mRNA during protein production. Their anticodons, which pair-bond with codons on mRNA, allow them to perform this function.
Hope it helps!!!!
Bacteria reproduces by cell division rather than meiosis.