The volume of a can can be determined by the equation
Volume = Area x Height
Volume = 40cm^2 x 12cm = 480cm^3
The mass extinctions that occurred 250 million years ago and 65 million years ago may have been due to gradual process or Catastrophic events.
I'll say Graph C cause both Graph A and Graph C look slighty different but both are close to being the same but in Graph C it shows different Figures Both don't match each other hence Population of birds in Graph C are specialized in different types of food.
Human activites have greatly increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and nitrogen levels in the biosphere. Altered Altered biogeochemical cycle combined with climate change increase the vulnerability of biodiversity, food security, human health, and water quality to a changing climate.
C. Cells
Cells make up organs, which make up organisms, which make up populations